Kepi X Gunner Puppies One Week Old
This litter consists of large and super-large puppies. No surprise! Their sire is Gunner and paternal grandparents are imports Capar and Nazli! Compare puppy weights to previous Shepherds Rest litters in previous blog posts (see archives on left of blog)! All puppies in this litter are very healthy and strong. Eyes and ears will open this week! One more week and puppies will be able to regulate their own body temperature. All have strong vocal cords but are usually quiet and calm, as all are well fed and mother Kepi is supplying plenty of milk and TLC!

Female 1 above
Known by her right front pinkie freckle, very high front socks, and her left rear double dew claw, along with a very white front that V's down to her navel.
Weight at birth: 20.8 oz
Weights at days 1-6 respectively:
21.1, 23.6, 26.8, 29.6, 33.6, 37.5 oz
Weight at one week: 39.8 oz
Weight gain first week: 19.0 oz
Female 1 above
Known by her right front pinkie freckle, very high front socks, and her left rear double dew claw, along with a very white front that V's down to her navel.
Weight at birth: 20.8 oz
Weights at days 1-6 respectively:
21.1, 23.6, 26.8, 29.6, 33.6, 37.5 oz
Weight at one week: 39.8 oz
Weight gain first week: 19.0 oz
Female 2 above
Known by no white on tip of tail, shorter front socks than her sister, and a white front in the shape of two side-by-side U's.
Weight at birth: 22.3 oz
Weights at days 1-6 respectively:
22.3, 22.5, 24.3, 27.3, 29.2, 34.0, 38.7 oz
Weight at one week: 42.6 oz
Total weight gain first week: 20.3 oz
Male 1 above
Known by no rear dew claws, and a white chest in a V shape.
Weight at birth: 20.2 oz
Weights at days 1-6 respectively:
21.5, 24.5 27.3, 30.8, 34.5, 39.1 oz
Weight at one week: 43.9 oz
Total weight gain first week: 23.7 oz
Male 2 above
Known by a left rear double dew claw and white chest in the shape of a V with the top side of it in a stairstep shape.
Weight at birth: 27.6 oz
Weights at days 1-6 respectively:
29.0, 31.9, 36.8, 40.2, 45.4, 47.4 oz
Weight at one week: 50.2 oz
Total weight gain first week: 22.6 oz