Friday, May 05, 2006

Tarik with his Goats at Shepherds Rest Farm

Tarik, at 9 1/2 weeks old, is getting to know each goat kid! He is working well with the mothers too, who are also getting used to a new puppy in the pasture. Tarik is with his goats 24 hours a day and loving it! This week he joined his mother, Sirin, in barking at the coyotes (all night!), and watches with fascination while she remodels her underground den. (The yellow spots on the goat's head are where it was disbudded and sprayed with yellow Furall.)

Tarik prefers to eat out of Sirin's bowl at meal time, which she is happy to let him do with no discussion. Sirin sits back and watches him eat, then finishes her meal from both dishes when Tarik is finished. Mother and son enjoy some great rowdy romps together, as well as some pretend fighting. Both delight in the other's presence!

Tarik is a very loving boy. He loves to sit and lie down for attention, and enjoys tummy rubs! Although he has had a few hot-wire experiences, and is very respectful of staying off the fencing, he still loves to rest very close to the fencing at the uppermost part of his pasture where he can see the whole valley. Posted by Picasa

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