Yasmine X Aygir puppies 1 week old
Pups were born March 31 into April 1. Photos were taken 4-8-17 at 8 days old. Weights are at birth and exactly 1 week old. There are 5 males and 5 females.
Yasmine and Aygir produced a total this litter of 11 puppies: 5 males and 6 females. One beautiful dark brindle female was euthanized at 3 weeks old due to inability to gain and maintain weight past the birth weight (which was normal at 20.2 oz), despite tube feeding and bottle feeding. She never appeared to be in pain. A blood test run at 2 weeks showed no abnormalities and a necropsy at 3 weeks showed no abnormalities. We have no answers about why she was unable to gain and maintain weight. She certainly would have died without intervention, and by feeding her, we were only prolonging the inevitable. Very sad.
Male 1 (blue collar) - brindle
Birth weight: 19.7 oz
One week old weight: 34.6 oz
Male 2 (black collar) - fawn
Birth weight: 21.2 oz
One week old weight: 36.0 oz
Male 3 (green collar) - brindle
Birth weight: 18.9 oz
One week old weight: 38.0 oz
Male 4 (brown collar) - fawn
Birth weight: 17.1 oz
One week old weight: 32.5 oz
Male 5 (tan collar) - brindle
Birth weight: 19.6 oz
One week old weight: 37.2 oz
Female 1 (red collar) - very dark (brindle?)
Birth weight: 20.3 oz
One week old weight: 35.0 oz
Female 2 (purple collar) - dark gray fawn
Birth weight: 17.5 oz
One week old weight: 30.9 oz
Female 3 (orange collar) - light brindle
Birth weight: 20.4 oz
One week old weight: 40.8 oz
Female 4 (white collar) - fawn
Birth weight: 17.5 oz
One week old weight: 31.7 oz
Female 5 (yellow collar) - fawn
Birth weight: 17.6 oz
One week old weight: 32.3 oz
Yasmine and Aygir produced a total this litter of 11 puppies: 5 males and 6 females. One beautiful dark brindle female was euthanized at 3 weeks old due to inability to gain and maintain weight past the birth weight (which was normal at 20.2 oz), despite tube feeding and bottle feeding. She never appeared to be in pain. A blood test run at 2 weeks showed no abnormalities and a necropsy at 3 weeks showed no abnormalities. We have no answers about why she was unable to gain and maintain weight. She certainly would have died without intervention, and by feeding her, we were only prolonging the inevitable. Very sad.
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