Shepherds Rest Farm

Breeding New Anatolian Shepherd Import Lines - Direct From Turkey

Name:  Shepherds Rest Farm

Location:  Newberg, Oregon, United States

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Kisrak X Aygir puppies 5 weeks old!

Puppies are in the "wild baby stage!" They have piranha teeth and need to use them!  This stage includes running all over the place, chasing, tumbling, pouncing, playing, learning, exploring, and enjoying new animals, new toys, new tastes, new people.
Blue collar male (brindle) (above & below)
7 lbs 3 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

Black collar male (the big boy) (above & below)
11 lbs 5 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

Green collar male (probably brindle rough coat) (above & below)
6 lbs 9 oz at exactly 5 weeks old
(That's Yagmur in the background, wishing to meet puppies close-up!)

 Brown collar male (chose to nap in a visitor's lap today) (above & below)
7 lbs 5 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

 Red collar female (above & below)
9 lbs 3 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

Purple collar female (above & below)
9 lbs 5 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

Orange collar female (above & below)
10 lbs 8 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

 Lime green collar female ("Kırık Baçak" or "broken leg" in Turkish) (probably a very subtle brindle) (above & below)
8 lbs 1 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

 Pink collar female (above & below)
8 lbs 7 oz at exactly 5 weeks old
 White collar female (brindle rough coat) (above & below)
6 lbs 12 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

 Yellow collar female (brindle) (above & below)
11 lbs 1 oz at exactly 5 weeks old

Father:  Shepherds Rest Aygir at 5 weeks old:
Image of Anatolian Shepherd AygirImage of Anatolian Shepherd Aygir
               His brindling was not visible until 5 weeks old!       Aygir is in front (above)

Mother:  Shepherds Rest Kisrak at 5 weeks old:
Image of Anatolian Shepherd Kisrak


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