Anatolian Puppies Raised With Goats
These puppies are wondering WHAT the goat is doing in THEIR pasture! The goats have previously been on the other side of the fence, familiar, but not part of the pack. All the sudden the goats are in shared territory!
Now this shot (above) is great because you can number the puppies as to who is most eager to meet and greet the goat kids brought into the puppy pasture that morning! Darkest girl is WAYYYYYY out front, with two sisters second and third. Fawn boy is fourth with the all-white-body-pinto boy in close fifth. The tail-spot pinto boy and white toes lighter female are not yet leaving home position.
Perfect age for goats and dogs together - 7 week old Oberhasli kids with 5 week old puppies. Puppies are old enough to get away quickly out from under foot of the goats, yet not fast enough to chase or big enough to try to play successfully with the goats. If the puppies get a little forward, the goat kids will rear up and that's enough for the puppies to tumble over themselves backwards in retreat.