Kisrak X Noah Puppies 8 Weeks Old
Sire: Shepherds Rest Noah
Litter DOB: 08-29-15
Male 1: Brindle
Headed to Montana soon. Road trip!! Taking this boy so we can see 2 previous Shepherds Rest puppies! Woohoo! Also looking forward to maintaining breeding rights on this lovely boy!
22 lbs 4 oz
Male 2: Brindle
Headed to Alaska soon, around Anchorage, to guard a family with two human children from bears and other predators, and enjoy the Alaskan acreage.
21 lbs 12 oz
Male 3: Brindle rough coat
We call him Tombul meaning "round" (roly-poly) in Turkish! He is a happy dufus, galumphing around always in a good mood.
18 lbs 10 oz
Male 4: Fawn
Titus is headed to Washington to do his guardian work there.
19 lbs 12 oz
Male 5: Pinto
Best in litter, best ever produced at Shepherds Rest (according to Pat Hastings). Staying at Shepherds Rest unless/until a show/breeding family talks me out of him, in which case I want breeding rights! He MUST stay in the genepool in the U.S. His spots are brindle! Haven't decided on his name yet.
22 lbs 10 oz
Male 6: Pinto rough coat
Easily mistaken as a sheep, so we call him Kuzu, Turkish for "lamb." He is one furry fluff-ball for sure!
23 lbs 7 oz
Female 1: Brindle
Going to Washington soon, to the owner of the sire (Shepherds Rest Noah), also joining Shepherds Rest Pepper (all brindles!).
16 lbs 2 oz
Female 2: Fawn
Going to the Phillippines after a short stay in Washington! Her name is Naji Anne (Turkish, meaning "intimate companion" Anne, after a very dear relative). She recently made a trip to a local university to comfort sorority girls during midterms. She was joined in this adventure by Males 3 and 6, and Female 5. It was a courtyard filled with girls taking selfies with the pups and exclaiming, "This is the best day of my life!"
16 lbs 4 oz
Female 3: Fawn rough coat
Staying local on a vineyard/farm with 2 previous Shepherds Rest dogs.
20 lbs 4 oz
Female 4: Pinto with spots
Heavy-weight girl! Very laid back. Happy with food and naps! We call her Şişman (pronounced Sheesh Mon), meaning heavy-weight in Turkish, until a new owner names her. Lol. We have fun with names here!
23 lbs 4 oz
Female 5: Pinto with all white body (has brindle pattern on the face)
She is so active, it was impossible to weigh her! Yesterday, she was 18 lbs at the vet. Pups did not gain much from yesterday until today, due to the long day yesterday at Pat Hastings and then the vet. I need a better scale for large, active puppies! We call her Yarişati ("race horse" in Turkish), pronounced Yarash Ahtah, unless a new owner changes it.
18 lbs 0 oz (estimated weight)