Shepherds Rest Farm

Breeding New Anatolian Shepherd Import Lines - Direct From Turkey

Name:  Shepherds Rest Farm

Location:  Newberg, Oregon, United States

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Skunk Patrol

Sirin is caught doing her job here! No telling how long the skunk has been lying there, but Sirin didn't want to go any nearer to it for this picture! She has been contained in the orchard while in heat, and found herself a job to do even with no goats in her immediate pasture to guard. She will soon be back out with the others on duty! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Winning at the Fair!

Shepherds Rest is proud to announce that one of our kids received Champion, followed by Grand Champion . . .
followed by Supreme Grand Champion for his goat (a Boer/Alpine cross) in the 4-H Meat Goat Breeding Doe category at the county fair today! The judge was a USBGA (US Boer Goat Assn) certified judge, which makes it a really great win! There was some good competition too, so we are really proud!

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Camping with an Anatolian

TARIK GOES CAMPING would also be a great description. Looks like we are all set up and good to camp, doesn't it?! I skipped the part about the 4 hour car ride and what came out of both ends of Tarik to slip and slide in! I also skipped the part about how many times we stopped to completely take apart the kennel to clean it!
So . . . Tarik begins peacefully chewing his bone and watching the road and the campers and their dogs.
Next to watching, his favorite thing was sniffing all the wonderful smells that don't exist in the goat pasture at home!
Oops, chewing water socks isn't okay. Who wears the shoes in this family anyway?! Posted by Picasa

However, when he took to climbing the myrtlewood trees to watch the road, we decided to move him so he wouldn't strangle himself!

Now he could guard the girls' tent and not frighten the other dogs walking the campground. He rarely barked at people, but all dogs got barked at (with his tail usually wagging). One toddler without supervision did almost walk into our campsite, startling Tarik and scaring us, as we didn't expect it. Poor child was petrified when Tarik barked and stood! Anatolians must be under control at all times in public, even when you're kicked back and relaxing, since you never know what might happen!

I think this tree just might hold him!
All looks well and settled . . . We put him in the kennel each night, lucky for the drunk who wandered into our campsite at 1 a.m. He left when I hollared, "What are you doing in our campsiste?" and Tarik started barking! Posted by Picasa

Then Tarik discovered the chipmunks. Sorry, Tarik, you can't climb THIS tree!
After about a week of camping, Tarik got rowdy . . . tried to cover the tent with dirt when he couldn't pull it apart . . .
and rowdier! Jim even took him for his daily one and a half mile runs!
And of course all puppies need to dig holes and chew . . . except we didn't think the park ranger would appreciate a picnic table with only half a seat! Posted by Picasa

Tarik's first visit to the water was met with some hesitation. He actually stuck his head between Jim's legs to approach the falls!
He loved the smells and eventually didn't mind getting his feet wet.
He even got brave enough to go with us to the other side of the falls.
But he never wanted to swim with the kids, no matter how much coaxing! Posted by Picasa

"That dog is FIVE months old?!"

"Hey, did you see that big dog in campsite 63? He's only five months old?! He's gonna be huge!"
Yes, Tarik enjoyed being by the water after all, when he could sit in his favorite spot watching from the higher rocks . . . always on leash, of course!
When all was said and done, camping with an Anatolian was a great experience! Posted by Picasa