Ilik X Capar puppies 6 WEEKS OLD!
Firstborn son weighed 18 lbs 8 oz at 6 weeks. He gained 3 lbs 15 oz this week. His average daily weight gain was 9.0 oz. This guy is Speedy Gonzales! When you bend down and talk to him, he responds with a foot in the air, as if pawing toward you.
Capar Jr weighed 18 lbs 0 oz, no longer the heavy-weight chunk of the litter. He gained 3 lbs 2 oz this week. Average daily weight gain was 7.1 oz. This is the mellow, quiet, sweet guy of the litter. But he holds his own in play with the Sirin puppies, of which there are still 2 here. Nobody picks on this pup (is it his size, color, personality, communications, or a combination?)! ;-> Even though he is younger, he weighs as much or more than the Sirin puppies that are 2 1/2 weeks older. But Ilik puppies are still more roly poly than Sirin puppies who are very steady on their feet now at 9 weeks old. Today these 3 Ilik puppies here shared their nursing meal with the 2 Sirin puppies. Mother Ilik good-naturedly nursed them all when allowed to visit for a short time. Puppies are pretty much weaned except for a daily snack. Male Anatolian, Durbun, is the guard in the puppy pasture with 5 puppies and 4 young goats! But pictures in that pasture are next to impossible, so puppies had to be removed one at a time in order to get decent pictures!