Shepherds Rest Farm

Breeding New Anatolian Shepherd Import Lines - Direct From Turkey

Name:  Shepherds Rest Farm

Location:  Newberg, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Birnur X Duman Puppies 2 Weeks Old!

Eyes and ears are open and pups can regulate their body temperature now.
They are learning to walk and are all over the place.  They continue to be well-satisfied with full bellies from mom Birnur, who is heavy with milk!
One more week and they will begin eating solid food (kibbles soaked in warm water until soft).

Male 1
45.6 oz

Male 2
56.7 oz

Male 3
50.7 oz

Male 4
42.3 oz

Male 5
37.5 oz

Male 6
60.6 oz

Male 7
48.1 oz

Female 1
53.0 oz

Female 2
52.7 oz

Female 3
45.4 oz

Female 4
46.9 oz

The Eleven:

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Birnur X Duman Puppies 1 Week Old

The Eleven:
* How do we tell them apart?  Look at their distinctive belly markings below and you will see!
* All puppies are doing well nursing from mother, with no need for any supplemental feedings.
* They are healthy, active, and feel plump and well-fed.
* Eyes and ears should open soon between day 10 and 14.
* Puppies cannot regulate their body temperature until they are 2 weeks old.
* They are contained in a whelping box in an open (3-sided) shelter adjacent to the goat pasture and feeding area.  A heat lamp is provided, turned off now during the daytimes when it gets too warm.

Male 1:

18.6 oz at birth
30.5 oz at one week
Birth order:  1st

Male 2:

20.2 oz at birth
37.3 oz at one week
Birth order:  3rd

Male 3:

17.9 oz at birth
33.8 oz at one week
Birth order:  4th

Male 4:

19.5 oz at birth
25.0 oz at one week
Birth order:  6th

Male 5:

17.8 oz at birth
26.9 oz at one week
Birth order:  9th

Male 6:

21.8 oz at birth
37.9 oz at one week
Birth order:  10th

Male 7:

20.2 oz at birth
31.2 oz at one week
Birth order:  12th

Female 1:

21.8 oz at birth
31.3 oz at one week
Birth order: 2nd

Female 2:

19.7 oz at birth
36.3 oz at one week
Birth order:  7th

Female 3:

17.2 oz at birth
26.8 oz at one week
Birth order:  8th

Female 4:

20.2 oz at birth
32.4 oz at one week
Birth order:  11th

Note:  5th born pup was a seemingly healthy female that was accidentally laid on by the mother during her labor and delivery and did not make it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Birnur X Duman Puppies Born Today!

Twelve puppies born:  7 males, 5 females.  Eleven alive and thriving!  One of the females, born alive and healthy, sadly was laid on by mama dog during whelping.  More details below.

Males weighed in at birth from 17.9 oz to 21.8 oz.  Females weighed 17.2 oz to 21.8 oz.  Birnur never showed signs of being in labor.  Listening to the barn monitor all last night, she never made any sound to alert to the coming delivery, no digging or whining heard!  She popped the first pup out at 9:40 am, followed by puppies at 10:20 am11:29 am11:53 am,  12:53 pm1:25 pm1:37 pm2:45 pm3:01 pm4:26 pm4:40 pm, and last pup at 7:30 pm.
Birnur is totally wiped out but doing terrific!  Funny thing . . . vet did x-ray on Monday and counted 7 puppies!  The litter size was a total surprise, but we are thrilled!

Birnur 3 days before whelping:
Standing in the creek!